灰狼の学級 The Ashen Wolves
(通路・アビス 夜)
Passageway | Evening
バルタザール: はっはっは! ヒルダか! いやまったく、早く言ってくれりゃあいいじゃねえか。
Balthus: Heh, I don’t believe it. Little Hilda herself. Why didn’t you speak up sooner?
ヒルダ: バル兄、ほんっとのん気すぎー。これ、兄さんが知ったら何て言うかなー?
Hilda: Baltie, this isn’t the time to catch up. What would Holst think?! I bet you didn’t consider that, did you?
バルタザール: ……あっ。
Balthus: Yeesh… I dunno, but it wouldn’t be nice.
ヒルダ: ………………。
Hilda: …
バルタザール: すまん……ホルストには黙っといてくれえ!ヒルダに手ぇ上げたなんて知れたら、死だ!
Balthus: Look, sorry. OK? Just don’t tell Holst. If he knew I raised a hand against you, he’d have my head.
ヒルダ: 死で済めばいいくらいよねー。仕方ない、今回は黙っといてあげますか。
Hilda: Ha! Like he’d stop at your head. Fine though. Just this once, and just for you, I’ll keep quiet.
クロード: なあ、ところで俺を見つけて僥倖ってのはいったい何だったんだ?
Claude: Now that that’s sorted… What did you mean about it being lucky that you found me?
バルタザール: いやあ、おれが借金をしてる相手の一人に、グロスタール伯爵ってのがいてだな……
Balthus: Oh, that. One of the guys I owe gold to is Count Gloucester.
He said something about forgiving my debt if I could dig up some dirt on you. Figured this was my shot.
クロード: ははあ、だいたいの事情は察したが……それなら殴り合う必要はないだろ?
Claude: Aha, so it was purely selfish. But then, was a fight really necessary?
バルタザール: 何言ってやがる。相手のことを知りたきゃ、まず拳で語り合う……普通だろうが。
Balthus: Really was. Best way to acquaint yourself with someone is to get into a tussle with ‘em. That’s common sense right there.
Choice 1: 確かに That makes sense.
ハピ: ……キミ、本気?バルトみたいな人が他にもいたなんて。
Hapi: Huh. I had no idea there were others like B out there.
ハピ: しかもこんな美人のおねーさんがね。信じがたい……。
Hapi: Who knew such a refined lady could be so backwards.
Choice 2: それはない That doesn’t sound right…
ユーリス: ……だよなあ。あんたが真っ当な感性の持ち主で何よりだよ。
Yuri: That’s the correct response for a reasonable person. We’re not all as far gone as Balthus here.
バルタザール: ま、そちらさんが教団の意図とは無関係ってことは理解できた。
Balthus: Say what you will, but I learned all I need to know. It’s clear this lot has nothing to do with the church’s intentions.
But that means those other creeps could always attack us at any moment.
Choice 1: 奴ら……? What creeps?
Choice 2: 襲ってくる? Who would attack you?
バルタザール: このアビスは、誰かに狙われててな。近頃、何度も傭兵どもに踏み荒らされてるんだ。
Balthus: Someone’s targeting Abyss. Mercenaries keep sniffing around and causing trouble here. They won’t let up.
ユーリス: ……その雇い主が誰なのか、わかってねえのが歯痒いところなんだがな。
Yuri: It’s a real problem, and we have no clue who’s pulling the strings.
There are many within the church who would love to see this “filthy” underground city purged.
When you first showed up, we thought you were here to do just that. Apologies for the confusion.
ヒルダ: だから、他所者は殺すー!みたいな感じであたしたちを襲ってきたってことねー。
Hilda: So that’s why you came at us with that nasty “kill the outsiders” act.
ハピ: ごめんね。ハピたちも結構、気が立っててさ。
Hapi: As Yuri-bird said, we’re sorry. We’re all pretty on edge these days.
コンスタンツェ: まさか、ただの好奇心でアビスに降りる人がいるだなんて想定外にも程がありますわ。
Constance: Indeed! That someone would descend to Abyss out of pure curiosity was far too outlandish to consider.
Byleth: アビスとは結局、何……? What is the purpose of Abyss?
バルタザール: 地下通路の由来は知られてねえ。大修道院と一緒に造られたのか、もっと昔のものか。
Balthus: No idea. These tunnels have been around for ages. They could be older than the monastery for all we know.
コンスタンツェ: その正体を正しく知る者などいませんわ。ただし、これだけは言えますの。
Constance: None remain who know the complete truth. However, I shall tell you all that we know for certain…
Abyss is home to those who shun the light of day. It is the secret shadow of Garreg Mach, if you will.
ハピ: 教団は、ずっと黙認してきたんだってさ。ガルグ=マクの繁栄には必要だろうって。
Hapi: The church quietly tolerates us. They think they need a place like this for Garreg Mach to thrive.
ユーリス: 地上のゴタゴタには干渉しねえ、地上からの干渉も受けねえ……それが取り決めだった。
Yuri: The deal is simple. Abyssians never get involved with the surface, and the surface never gets involved with us.
コンスタンツェ: ……し・か・し! どうしたことか、このところ地上の者が襲ってくるのです。
Constance: Alas! For some foul reason, surface dwellers have been after us as of late.
Further oppressing those souls who can only find solace beneath the ground? I cannot abide it!
Though it pains me to admit, we, too, harbor valid reasons for not venturing into the light.
That is why, by the grace of our esteemed patron, we have been granted sanctuary here in Abyss.
ヒルダ: えー、じゃあバル兄も何かすっごい事情があったりするわけ?
Hilda: I see… Baltie, does that mean you’ve got a reason for being here too?
バルタザール: ああ、おれがここにいるのには賞金稼ぎから逃げるという大変な事情が……
Balthus: Afraid so, Hilda. I’m here because...there are more bounties on my head than there is hair. Needed to lay low. Real low.
ヒルダ: へえー。それは大変。
Hilda: Baltie… That’s awful.
ユーリス: ……さて、もう世間話は十分だよな?地上の皆さんはそろそろお帰りの時間だろ。
Yuri: Enough with the niceties. Let’s get these surface dwellers out of here.
コンスタンツェ: え? 帰してしまうんですの?この方たちに頼めばよいではありませんか。
Constance: Nonsense! Intolerable nonsense! Whyever would we let slip this chance to acquire their aid?
Choice 1: 頼み? You need our help? (Continue below)
Choice 2: 断る We refuse to get involved.
バルタザール: おいおいおい、まだ頼んでもいねえだろ。話くらい聞いてけよ。
Balthus: Easy there, pal. Can’t say no before we’ve even asked for anything. Talk is cheap, but listining’s free, yeah?
バルタザール: さっきも言ったがここには頻繁に傭兵……ほとんど賊だな、が攻めてくる。
Balthus: Like we said, recently this place is being targeted by mercenaries.
Myself excluded, a lot of the folks who live here can’t defend themselves. They’re here to avoid conflict.
The elderly, the infirm...orphans, lost souls… merchants who were chewed up and spit out by the nobility. The works.
コンスタンツェ: 身を守る術を持たぬ者たちを救うため、私たちの居場所を守るため……
Constance: It rests on us to protect those who cannot protect themselves...and to safeguard our home.
To that noble end, I must insist that you lend us your strength!
ディミトリ: ……だがお前たちからしてみれば、俺たちも同じ地上の人間だ。信用できるのか?
Dimitri: I feel for your cause, truly. However, I cannot help but wonder why you would trust us so readily. We are from the surface, after all.
ユーリス: できるかできないかで言えば、できるね。教団の指示では動いてなさそうだし……
Yuri: Trust is a choice. We’re choosing to trust you. For now. It’s clear you’re not here by command of the church.
And you’re not just a bunch of noble twerps, either. You can hold your own. It’s in the way you fight. How you carry yourselves.
Still… I’m reluctant to get you involved with this madness. It’s our problem, not yours.
ハピ: もう話しちゃったんだからいいじゃん。ま、答えは今すぐじゃなくていいし。
Hapi: It’s too late now―we already told them everything. Let’s at least give them a chance to decide for themselves.
コンスタンツェ: そうですわね。アビスを見て回って、現状を知れば自ずと答えは定まりますわ。
Constance: Most true. Wander about Abyss for a time and I am certain you will come to the only correct conclusion.
バルタザール: そういうこった。とりあえずは「客人」として、歓迎するぜ?
Balthus: Right, what she said. Take a look, think some thoughts. Consider yourselves our special guests.